Friday, November 27, 2015

The FREJA™300 relay testing system is a computer-aided relay testing and simulation system. The rugged hardware design is built for field use over a wide temperature range, with the possibilities of intelligent software to perform rapid testing.

The very accurate (typically 0.01%) low level analogue inputs are designed for transducer measurements. The high level inputs can be used as a normal volt- and ammeter. FREJA 300 can generate 4x150 V (82 VA) and 3x15 A (87 VA) or 1x45 A (250 VA). Each output can be varied independently. Both static and dynamic testing can be performed, such as prefault and fault generation, simultaneous ramping of several quantities and wave form editing.

FREJA 300 can also be used as a disturbance simulator and create and generate simulated disturbances, or import actual recorded disturbances from e.g. EMTP or COMTRADE files.

If any question about your instrument problem, don't hesistate to contact us :

PT. Dynamics Circuit Indonesia
Jl. P. Tubagus Angke No. 10 Blok C11
Komplek Jelambar Center
Jakarta Barat - 11460
Phone & Fax : +62-21-29541370
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